Exchangeable battery Power for ALL 18V 3.0AhBHZUB1830 • 17006127
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Exchangeable battery Power for ALL 18V 3.0AhBHZUB1830 • 17006127
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How to find your E-Number
The model number (E-number) is located on the type plate of your device.
Technical Overview
Product group for which the accessory is available
Vacuum Cleaners
Accessory type
Special Features
Powerful, durable and part of the 18-volt cordless Power for ALL system from Bosch Home & Garden (green product line).
Only original accessories are perfectly matched to your appliance and convince through their fit and durability
Top performance and long service life - always ready for use thanks to lithium-ion technology.
The battery can be fully or partially recharged at anytime.
Improved convenience with ergonomic removal button.
Compatible: With Unlimited S8 (BBS8…, BCS8…, BKS8…, BSS8…, BBS1…, BCS1…, BSS1...) , Unlimited 7 (BBS7…, BCS7…, BKS7…, BSS7…) and Unlimited S6 (BBS6…, BCS6…, BKS6…, BLS6…, BSS6…)
Accessory Type : Battery
Original Bosch Accessory
To ensure a safe and proper use of your original accessory, please follow the instructions in the user manual of your vacuum cleaner.
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Exchangeable battery Power for ALL 18V 3.0AhBHZUB1830 • 17006127
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