Series 4 Front Load Washing Machine 10 kg 1400 rpmWGA25400SG
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Series 4 Front Load Washing Machine 10 kg 1400 rpmWGA25400SG
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Technical Overview
Energy efficiency rating
Connected appliance Footnote 1: Some of the features displayed can be accessed only if the device is connected to a Home Connect Account and a SingleKey ID account via the Internet. Home Connect is a service of Home Connect GmbH. For more information on Home Connect, visit
Loading capacity
10.0 kg
Max. spin speed
1400 rpm
Extremely quiet - EcoSilence Drive
Special Features
Reduces wrinkles by up to 50%
perfectly clean in up to 65% less time Footnote 2: Difference between the duration of Easy Care Programme 40°C and the duration of Easy Care Programme 40°C in combination with Speed Perfect option. .
extremely energy-efficient and quiet in operation with an especially long life.
gently and efficiently wash with even water distribution and without creasing garments.
For highly efficient use of water even with smaller loads thanks to automatic load detection.
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Series 4 Front Load Washing Machine 10 kg 1400 rpmWGA25400SG
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